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Exhibit E


October 3, 1966, Monday

Mister Rowland Swank, OSCAR

Dear Rowland:

Well, I told you Thursday or Friday that I was working to turn Hurricane Inez from going West, to going North, check?

I had to do two things over the weekend... build Inez up to a hurricane again, after she died down to just a storm... then turn her toward Florida.

Enclosed is a photostat of today's New York Times map of Inez... and you can see for yourself that, although last week she was coming in on Cuba, going WestXXX and according to the Weather Bureaus was not supposed to come near the United States - she changed direction over the weekend just as I was working for her to do, and shot toward the United States, just shaving Electro. The paper says Inez's gales and storms are kicking the hell out of Electro, but she did not hit Electro head on. I do not know how much of a miss this is, but it certainly is not much. I guided Inez 1700 miles in on the target. Not a head on hit, but damn good shooting, nevertheless. Do not you agree?

I am still trying to turn her in left for a head-on hit, because she is alongside... or if she gets out a little, I will try to repeat Betsy over again.

Psychokinesis Man (Owens)

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