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Exhibit D


I certify this to be a true and correct statement:

On the night of May 8, 1967, while watching a rainstorm in the company of H. Owens (Ted) from the top of a tall building in downtown Philadelphia... Mister Owens offered to make lightning strike in any area that I might point out, as a demonstration of a new weather principle he had discovered. So I took him up on it, and pointed to an area squarely in front of our window... the bridge leading to Camden.

In a few moments after Mister Owens concentrated on making lightning strike the aforementioned bridge... a lightning bolt did in fact strike that area, just to the right of the bridge.

Since we were standing at the top of a tall building, our field of view was very wide and expansive. Therefore the lightning bolt striking the pinpointed area which I had designated, was interesting.

May 10, 1967

Sworn to and Subscribed
before me this 10th day
of May 1967.

Mollie Lesbin
Notary Public, Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Massachussets Ca.
My commission expires July 7, 1969


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